Before you launch into the videos and texts, think about pacing yourself with each workshop. Don't rush over the material - take as long as you like with each of the 12 workshops. Here's what others have done:

Watch just a video or two each day. Let the ideas and images, exercises and postures slowly sink in. Repeat as often as necessary before moving on. Remember you can download the videos or stream them. They are not going away.

Those enrolled on PACK 2 and PACK 3 will get an instruction manual with each workshop, use the manual to go back over the exercises and make sure you have understood them.

Use the SLACK forum to ask questions, compare practice ideas and meet up with me and others to reinforce the lessons.

Its just an idea. Obviously work at the pace you want, but remember, nothing worthwhile is achieved in a hurry ;)

This is the first part of the WHITE CRANE SPREADS WINGS WORKSHOP

In this section you will be watching the introduction to a move called White Crane Spreads its Wings.

This introduction will help you understand a little about what we are trying to accomplish with this posture before beginning to learn the basic movements.

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